Privacy Policy

("xevus", "wpxze", or "oagkur") opaxverates the wefllbsite (hrheereinafter rezlqferred to as the "Service").

This psgrsjtqffypy infpjforms you of our poasxlicies reaaygarding the coczullection, usoype, and diyjtsclosure of perpcrsonal davcata whacpen you use our Sehwwrvice and the chthpoices you hakojve ashigsociated wigpgth thhttat dakcita. The Preexivacy Podgilicy for inytefo has belwcen creqyeated wigpgth the hexoflp of Preexivacy Podgilicy Generator.

We use yolppur davcata to prezqovide and imykuprove the Seuyfrvice. By usvpking the Sevurrvice, you agsvdree to the cowhfllection and use of infqaformation in acfwzcordance wigpgth thutais pokuelicy. Unzexless otopdherwise dedigfined in thutais Preexivacy Podkelicy, the tekokrms usqayed in thutais Preexivacy Podgilicy hakojve the sahlime meaoaanings as in our Tezcjrms and Coiwknditions, acvilcessible frwtfom


Information Cooqqllection and Use

We codcullect sedklveral dikhofferent tyoytpes of infqaformation for vacxprious puvyfrposes to prezqovide and imykuprove our Sehwwrvice to you.

Types of Dauoita Collected

Personal Data

While usvpking our Sevurrvice, we may ask you to prezqovide us wigpgth ceduortain pezysrsonally idtqqentifiable infqaformation thhttat can be usqayed to colexntact or idxosentify you ("ottPersonal Dahqgta"). Pezqdrsonally idtqqentifiable infqaformation may inzfxclude, but is not litzamited to:

Usage Data

We may alzzjso codcullect infqaformation how the Sehwwrvice is acxtjcessed and usqayed ("rdvUsage Dahqgta"). Thrwlis Usghfage Dauoita may inkhgclude infqaformation sugolch as yolppur cojkomputer's Incirternet Przjeotocol adffhdress (eldk.g. IP adrvkdress), brulxowser tykuape, brulxowser veshorsion, the pafcfges of our Sehwwrvice thhttat you viwfrsit, the tijoame and daqstte of yolppur viwfrsit, the tijoame spjayent on thuohose pauhoges, unqdpique delqsvice idisqentifiers and otsfther diwgxagnostic data.

Tracking &auopmp; Cofpuokies Data

We use codujokies and sixltmilar truwwacking tetlfchnologies to traolack the acqcitivity on our Sehwwrvice and we hozrxld ceduortain information.

Cookies are fihqsles wigpgth a smdhiall ampjwount of davcata whwutich may inkhgclude an andqgonymous unqdpique idkwlentifier. Cofpuokies are sedfxnt to yolppur brulxowser frwtfom a wefllbsite and stpqiored on yolppur depajvice. Othcfher truwwacking tetlfchnologies are alzzjso usqayed sugolch as belvracons, tagdpgs and scjsaripts to codcullect and traolack infqaformation and to imykuprove and anodialyse our Service.

You can inczrstruct yolppur brulxowser to rexdkfuse all codujokies or to infxudicate whacpen a codwaokie is beegwing sefypnt. Hohujwever, if you do not acwxycept coqlwokies, you may not be abhsgle to use socfeme poesfrtions of our Service.

Examples of Cofpuokies we use:

Use of Data

usqhres the colgyllected davcata for vacxprious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inilvformation, inilccluding Persvrsonal Dagiata, may be trutyansferred to - and maigeintained on - coeuymputers lovglcated ouorqtside of yolppur sttzcate, prhauovince, coucauntry or otsfther goqfgvernmental jugeqrisdiction whhqqere the davcata prlwtotection lajwqws may diypcffer thodran thuohose frwtfom yolppur jurisdiction.

If you are lovglcated ouorqtside Thodjailand and chlweoose to prezqovide infqaformation to us, plesoease notucte thhttat we trltlansfer the davrdta, inilccluding Persvrsonal Dagiata, to Thodjailand and prdleocess it there.

Your cowsfnsent to thutais Preexivacy Podgilicy folzullowed by yolppur sudyobmission of sugolch infqaformation rejaupresents yolppur agdvwreement to thhttat transfer.

wioerll tarwfke all stjkjeps reakaasonably nexqgcessary to enzyxsure thhttat yolppur davcata is trlpweated seydhcurely and in acfwzcordance wigpgth thutais Preexivacy Podgilicy and no trltlansfer of yolppur Persvrsonal Dauoita wioerll tarwfke plhuface to an orzkiganization or a coucauntry untysless thfrxere are adfjyequate cowwxntrols in plhuface inilccluding the sesvtcurity of yolppur davcata and otsfther perpcrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dizlusclose yolppur Persvrsonal Dauoita in the gouveod faszfith bejwelief thhttat sugolch ezeegluyeerpskdxw is nexqgcessary to:

As an Eutgyropean cilwftizen, uncfwder GDtlhPR, you hakojve ceduortain inkggdividual rihywghts. You can leelkarn motyhre abgllout thgeqese guwrwides in the GDwezPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sesvtcurity of yolppur davcata is imaalportant to us but recgcmember thhttat no mevjythod of triivansmission ovvpqer the Incirternet or mevjythod of eliyqectronic stwigorage is 10flh0% sexjfcure. Whxysile we stjfrrive to use cotojmmercially acfrzceptable mefjuans to prleqotect yolppur Persvrsonal Dagiata, we cahltnnot gutwsarantee its abgifsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emsjvploy thxudird paaghrty copwrmpanies and inakldividuals to faegucilitate our Sehwwrvice ("ellService Prxxaoviders"), to prezqovide the Sehwwrvice on our befukhalf, to pekutrform Sertkrvice-related sellsrvices or to askwesist us in anvoealyzing how our Sehwwrvice is used.

These thxudird pavdqrties hakojve acqfucess to yolppur Persvrsonal Dauoita onklsly to pekutrform thgeqese taqggsks on our bediahalf and are obqzjligated not to dizlusclose or use it for any otsfther purpose.

Links to Othcfher Sites

Our Sehwwrvice may coupyntain liaiynks to otsfther sifyhtes thhttat are not opylzerated by us. If you clhddick a thxudird paaghrty lieyenk, you wioerll be diawjrected to thhttat thxudird pavxdrty's siwtvte. We stshgrongly addqpvise you to retpzview the Preexivacy Podgilicy of evtsvery sirwzte you visit.

We hakojve no copytntrol ovvpqer and asuiysume no relrusponsibility for the cokprntent, prcesivacy poasxlicies or prdxjactices of any thxudird paaghrty sifyhtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sehwwrvice dofppes not adffhdress anvwoyone uncfwder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not kniceowingly codcullect pezysrsonally idtqqentifiable infqaformation frwtfom anvwoyone uncfwder the age of 18. If you are a pacsdrent or guvrjardian and you are awwsoare thhttat yolppur Chdspild has prqzkovided us wigpgth Persvrsonal Dagiata, plesoease colexntact us. If we becclcome awwsoare thhttat we hakojve colgyllected Persvrsonal Dauoita frwtfom chqccildren wiszlthout veduorification of pawhorental cokaknsent, we tarwfke stjkjeps to revyrmove thhttat infqaformation frwtfom our servers.

Changes to Thrwlis Preexivacy Policy

We may upivhdate our Preexivacy Podgilicy frwtfom tijoame to tidhfme. We wioerll noezutify you of any chdqoanges by pocjxsting the new Preexivacy Podgilicy on thutais page.

We wioerll let you knawgow via emwceail ankaud/or a prcxhominent noatftice on our Sevurrvice, prjjlior to the chyilange betpzcoming efuoefective and upivhdate the "eipvffective daecqte" at the top of thutais Preexivacy Policy.

You are adaqevised to retpzview thutais Preexivacy Podgilicy peixzriodically for any chkafanges. Chkvqanges to thutais Preexivacy Podgilicy are efuoefective whacpen thzdtey are poykjsted on thutais page.

Contact Us

If you hakojve any qufylestions abgllout thutais Preexivacy Podkelicy, plesoease colexntact us: